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As a 501(3)C organization, we depend on our volunteers to effectively coordinate practices and meets.
Previous experience with track and field is absolutely not required!
We do request that you make a commitment of at least 1 practice per week, for the entire season, so that we can coordinate practice accordingly.
If you are interested in volunteering with our organization, please take the following steps:
1. Complete the below sign up form.
2, Go to the USATF website and obtain a USATF number in your name. The number you have obtained for your athlete is assigned to them alone, and you must have your own number.
3. Once you obtain your own USATF number, complete the background check and Safe Sport training as required by USATF. YOU CANNOT VOLUNTEER UNTIL WE HAVE CONFIRMATION THAT THESE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. THE SAFETY OF OUR KIDS IS PARAMOUNT. These options are available under your personal profile once you obtained your USATF number.
4. Show up to practice!
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