Parent Information
Our primary mode of contact with you is via TeamSnap. Please be mindful of the fact that there are a multitude of athletes and parents but only a few Team Administrators.
Practice Information
Practices run from March until June. Depending on your child's advancement to Championships, Regionals, and Junior Olympics, practice can go past June.
All practices are held at the Katy Junior High School, 5350 Franz Rd, Katy, Texas, 77493 on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm. Please arrive by 5:30 pm to complete your warm-up laps on your own.
Meet Schedule
Refer to the schedule on TeamSnap
Meet Information
Parents are to register athletes by the deadlines for them to compete in each track meet. All registrations will be online.
Track meets are primarily held on Saturdays and occasionally on Sundays.
Items to keep in your car: Rain and sun umbrellas, blanket, change of clothes and underclothes, hat, extra socks, extra sneakers, flip-flops, a trash bag for wet/soiled clothes, etc.
Seating: Often bleachers are available that get more uncomfortable the longer you sit. It is well worth investing in a padded fold-up stadium seat with a back or a cushion. You can also bring a blanket to sit on.
Extra Items: Camera, binoculars, a hat or visor, and sunscreen.
Entertainment items: Athletes can bring various electronic and video entertainment items (if there is noise, earbuds/headphones must be used), card games, and a book. Team parents and coaches are not responsible for any lost items. Popular items have a way of growing feet and walking away from the place your child thinks they had it.
Items Parents/Athletes should keep in their track bag: SPIKES!!! Always have warm clothes and a windbreaker jacket ready. Also pack an extra pair of socks, a hat, shorts to cover your uniform, Kleenex or napkins or paper towels, a bottle of sunscreen in a Ziploc bag in case it leaks, and wet wipes. It may be good to have extra replacement spikes, spike keys, and safety pins.
Coaches will select the events in which an athlete will participate. No athlete is guaranteed to participate in a particular event at any or every track meet. Our selections will be based on what we believe is an appropriate event for the athlete and our desire to ensure each athlete is exposed to a variety of events. On occasion, an athlete will have the option of selecting an event to participate in. In addition, relay participation is not guaranteed. We will make every effort to ensure that every athlete participates in a relay at some point during the season. However, we will also make any necessary adjustments throughout the season including the use of alternates at regional and national competitions.
8U to 11-12 age groups compete in up to 3 events total.
13-4 to 17-18 age groups compete in up to 4 events total.
Who competes in the following age groups and categories:
USATF age division is based on the athlete's age as of December 31 of the current year that the athlete will be competing.
USATF Age Divisions are as follows:
• 8 & Under Division
• 9-10 Division
• 11-12 Division
• 13-14 Division
• 15-16 Division
• 17-18 Division*
*Athletes who are still 18 through the last day of the USATF Junior Olympics can compete in the 17-18 division.
Incident Reporting
Once a coach or parent observes a violation or witnesses something they believe is wrong, they should report it to the Head Coach who will then investigate by speaking with the child, parents, and all other parties involved.
A verbal warning will be issued followed by a written warning.
Incidents will be documented and kept on file with the team. The Head Coach will not publicize the information to the coaches or the other parents.
Based on the severity of the infraction, the individual may be suspended from practice and/or trackmeets or permanently dismissed from the track club.
Disciplinary Rules
Only the USATF and/or Katy Express Youth Track and Field Club may suspend an athlete, coach, assistant coach, manager, parent, or spectator from further participation from the USATF and/or Katy Express Youth Track and Field Club for words or actions deemed detrimental to the team or its activities.
Persons guilty of fighting before, during, or after a meet shall receive a suspension from at least two meets or up to a one-year suspension.
Persons guilty of pushing or striking any person shall be suspended from the competitions held by USATF and/or Katy Express Youth Track and Field Club, which includes the Gulf Association Youth Championships, and the Regional, and National competitions.
Uniform Fees & Pricing
Track Uniform:
The uniform package is required for all competing athletes. The package includes a race singlet, shorts, leggings, a warmup suit (jacket and pants), a team t‐shirt, and a team backpack.
Uniforms can be ordered on the Katy Express online store: https:katyexpresstrack.org/shop
All uniforms must be handled with care in order to look their best. Specifically, athletes are to cover their uniforms, especially the bottom portion, when not competing. Athletes must only wear an approved team uniform. We are a team – we will look like a team by being dressed in the TEAM's uniform.
Practice & Meet Policies
Practice Regulations for Athletes:
Athletes must arrive on time and ready to work out.
Athletes must have the following at each practice: water bottle, shorts and t-shirt, sweat pants and top, running shoes (no basketball shoes), and spikes.
Athletes must follow the directions of the coaching staff during practices. This includes doing the exercises, participating in all drills, and completing the training program.
The following is not allowed: profanity, horseplay, abusive language, or fighting.
Members who are unwilling to participate in workouts will be dismissed from the track or practice area and will not be allowed to return until coaches have spoken with the parents.
Athlete code of conduct:
Arrive on time to practice and competitions.
Come prepared to practice. Wear proper shoes and attire. Bring sweats in case the weather gets chilly, and bring a towel or blanket to lay on during warm-up, cool down, and ab workout if it’s wet outside.
Ensure that you are mentally ready to train.
Hydrate, eat nutritionally and get plenty of sleep before practice and competitions.
Katy Express follows all USATF rules.
Acknowledge and demonstrate good safety in practices and events.
Demonstrate positive open communication between coaches, athletes, parents & officials.
Positively support fellow Katy Express team members at practice and in competition.
No gossiping or slandering others on the team.
Respect the Katy Express coaching staff, Katy Express team members, officials, other coaches, and opponents.
Ensure that when you leave an area (practice or meet) you leave it cleaner than when you arrived.
Strive, not only to be the best athlete, but also to be the best student by keeping your grades up.
Do not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs, or take USATF-banned substances.
Wear the team uniform neatly and properly at all competitions, and wear proper attire when not in uniform.
Foul language will not be tolerated.
Be honest and have fun!
Practice Regulations for Parents:
Parents are not permitted on the track or in practice areas during practices.
Parents should bring sports chairs
Parents shall refrain from coaching or instructing athletes during practices sessions. Coaching is the exclusive responsibility of the Katy Express coaching staff.
Coaches are available to answer questions before and after practice or during scheduled appointments.
Parent code of conduct:
Ensure your athlete arrives on time to practice and competitions.
Allow enough time to stay and support all Katy Express team members at competitions.
Provide water, nutritional food, and a quiet place to rest for your athlete.
Demonstrate positive open communication between coaches, athletes, parents and officials.
No gossiping or slandering others on the team.
Respect the Katy Express coaching staff, Katy Express team members, officials, other coaches, and opponents.
If a parent has an issue or concern, they should schedule an appointment to discuss it with the coach and/or director. Parents should not demand an immediate hearing at practice or competition as this approach is generally confrontational and non-productive.
Ensure that when you leave an area (practice or meet) you leave it cleaner than when you arrived.
Do not smoke at practices or meets nor bring alcoholic beverages to any Katy Express-sponsored events.
Foul language will not be tolerated. Be honest and have fun!
Bad Weather:
The coaches will not cancel practice because of rainy weather in general. Practice will be held as scheduled except in the event of dangerous weather, such as extreme cold or lighting. If a scheduled practice is canceled ahead of time due to the weather, the club will inform the members 30 minutes before practice start time.
Track Meet Policies:
General meet information can be found on the team website: https:www.katyexpresstrack.org/general-meet-information
Katy Express parents and athletes are responsible for knowing the athlete’s meet events and times.
Katy Express coaches determine what events the athlete will participate in for each track meet. The parent may discuss this with the coaches before entry, but the coaches have the final say.
If an athlete will not be competing at a meet, this must be communicated to the coaches.
The team will have a designated area for Katy Express athletes to stay during the meet. All athletes must sit together in this area. Depending on the track meet there will be room for parents to sit with the team or close by.
Athletes’ Responsibilities:
Check in with the team upon arrival at a meet at the designated area and get your racing bib and instructions.
Sit with the team during the track meet. Athletes must stay in the team area during the track meet.
Come prepared. Wear your uniform. Have your shoes and a water bottle with water. Bring warm-up clothes to every track meet – the weather is unpredictable. There are to be no flip-flops of any kind worn to a track meet.
Warm up with your teammates. Arrive in time to get prepared physically and mentally for your events.
Bring plenty of healthy food. See the Nutrition section for ideas.
Relay Policies
Being a member of a relay team is a privilege. It takes four athletes and their families to work together and be on the same page with practice attendance, performance, traveling and cost.
Katy Express coaching staff has full authority to decide which athletes will be members of a relay team. A relay team consists of four members and in some cases up to six members with alternates. *Head coach approves all relay team members!
Relay teams can change from week to week. That means no one has a confirmed spot on a relay team at anytime no matter how many times they've run on the relay in previous meets.
Alternates are in place if another member cannot fulfill their relay responsibilities due to injuries, vacation, school/education, sickness, religion and personal family issues. Your relay spot is not guaranteed when you return. *You cannot lose your relay spot due to injury. You have at least one track meet to prove you are healthy and can hold your spot.
If an alternate must fill in for a member during the prelims of a track meet, the individual that they filled in for, must give them their medal from the finals of that relay event. *Use of alternates has to be approved by the head coach!
Relay teams are comprised of performance (Fastest Four), practice attendance, competition attendance, attitude/behavior and commitment!
If you leave a competition meet early and you were scheduled to participate in a relay, you will be removed from the relay team as a member and only the head coach can approve your return to the relay lineup.
Nutrition Ideas
These high-carbohydrate foods can be packed and taken along for midday snacks, long workouts, or competitions:
Bread, bagels and muffin
Crackers and pretzels
Fig Newtons, oatmeal-raisin cookies
Fruit yogurt
Bananas, grapes, & melon
Fruit roll-up
Sports drinks & water
Pre-competition Meals:
The night before a track meet, eat pasta, lean meats, vegetables, brown rice etc.
On the day of a track meet eat 2-3 hours before your event starts. Examples: oatmeal, eggs, wheat toast, etc.
All-Day Events:
Athletes should consider the amount of time between eating and performance when choosing foods at all-day events.
One hour before the competition:
Fruit and vegetable juices such as tomato juices, and/or fresh fruit such as bananas, raisins, grapes, oranges, peaches, or watermelon
Two to three hours before the competition:
Fruit juices and fresh fruit, and/or breads, bagels or muffins, Sandwich with wheat bread.
Three to four hours before the competition:
Fruit juices and fresh fruit, and breads, bagels or muffins and a light spread of peanut butter or 1 slice of cheese for breads, or a light spread of cream cheese for bagels, and or a bowl of cereal, with milk or yogurt.
Fundraising events will be announced as they are scheduled.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in the fundraiser. All fundraising activities will be coordinated by the Administrative Staff of the Katy Express Team.
Donations & Sponsorships
Donations and sponsors will be coordinated through the Administrative Staff. Other than the Administration Staff, no one is allowed to collect donations or sponsors without prior approval from the Head Coach. If you know of an individual or organization that wants to donate or become a sponsor, it must be coordinated through the Administrative Staff.
It is at the Administrative Staff's discretion when and where to fundraise, and how to spend and allocate funds and sponsorships.
Membership Agreement
I have read the Katy Express Membership Handbook and agree to abide by the policies set forth by Katy Express. I understand the team’s concept, vision, mission & philosophy.